chic wedding selections with ruffle or ruching

Normal but weird things in your newborn..
1. vaginal discharge- day 3-4 after birth your baby might have a light red/mucous discharge from her vagina. This is due to low oestrogen levels outside of the womb. It is usually painless and short lived(maximum 14 days) but it can be quite upsetting for the parents if you are unaware of this.
2.Breasts- you might have seen or felt that your newborn has "breasts". This is also due to the decrease in oestrogen levels just before birth ... that triggers the release of prolactin(hormone that produces breastmilk). Remember it happens in boys and girls and do not squeeze it, it could lead to irritation and inflammation. This resolves in a couple of weeks.
3.Bleeding umbilical stump- After the umbilical cord has dried out and the stump is left it can still bleed a bit. This is normal for a couple of days as long as it does not bleed excessively and stops in a few days. continue ot clean the stump untill it is completely dry. Contact your doctor if it bleeds persistantly, if you see a discharge or if it is red around the stump. chic wedding selections with ruffle or ruching

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