wedding wears with chapel or court train

TUESDAY'S TAROT. A helpful person is coming, providing a diligent service. A helpful influence. A new job opportunity is coming.

The Knight of Pentacles - do you remember her? She's come up a few days ago, and here she is again. Who's this? She definitely wants to draw your attention to her!

This person can be male or female, with the signs, characteristics and patterns below.

This card can indicate a friend you can trust, or a reliable coworker or employee; can even be a loyal, down-to-earth lover. It speaks for your guardian angel as well - they are with you and remind you that you are lovable, and support you at being able to believe it. :-) In order to be successful in any area, be it career or love you definitely need it.

This is also a card of a new career adventure and an auspicious occasion. There is energy and enthusiasm for the new project or new job. There may be some kind of progression in training involved, as with levels of skilled craftmanship from apprentice to master. The indication is that there is an auspicious change on the horizon, something sought and approached with unbounded eagerness. wedding wears with chapel or court train

You are excited and determined to make your way in the wider world, earning a living through your hard work, forwith your draft horse you can hire out to plow fields at different farms.
This card indicates a useful person who offers stability and approaches work in a reliable and methodical manner, yet is able to implement new ideas and carry them through to a satisfactory conclusion.

The card is taken from the Green Witch Tarot by Ann Moura & Kiri Ostergaard Leonard.

This is a general reading only. For a personal, in-depth, down-to-earth, practical Tarot, Oracle + Numerology reading email Judit at [email protected].

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